Why use natural cures and remedies as opposed to prescription drugs and medical procedures? The medical profession does not always agree with many of these suggestions for a variety of reasons. First of all, major drug companies would lose billions of dollars in annual sales. Second, doctors offices would be virtually empty as patients learned how to cure themselves. Finally, prestigious positions and jobs would be at stake.
Many natural cures and remedies simply work. For thousands of years, mankind has relied on these type of cures and remedies. In fact, many modern pharmaceutical companies are now increasing their studies on various plants and how they can provide a cure for many of the diseases and ailments that we see today. They are taking the information from these studies and patenting the results so as to establish future miracle drugs. This process has been going on for centuries and one of the more common success stories was the discovery of using willow tree bark as the active ingredient in aspirin.
Another key point to consider is that natural cures and remedies are, for the most part, safe. The majority of herbs that are being used for these cures and remedies have basically no side effects. In most cases they can be used by anyone including pregnant women and young children. The majority of herbs are not dangerous and they are also not addicting. Some of the safer herbs that are being used today include garlic, ginger, lavender, turmeric, raspberry leaf, nettles, catnip, spearmint, peppermint, and the list goes on and on.
For many users, another important point is that these herbs are affordable. In fact, they are very affordable and you can usually purchase them for less than one dollar per ounce. Herbs can also be stored longer than your more common over-the-counter medicines.
Herbal remedies and cures are also easily available. For example, let’s say that you are traveling in a foreign country and someone in your party comes down with a cold. What would you do? You could simply visit a local grocery store and buy a combination of honey, lemon, ginger, baking soda, and Epson salts. With these simple yet easy to obtain products you could brew yourself a delicious cup of lemon and ginger tea while at the same time enjoying a soothing, hot bath with Epson salts and baking soda.
One big advantage that herbal remedies and cures have over prescription drugs is that they are customizable. There are endless combinations that will benefit you if you happen to be allergic to one of the ingredients. You can also utilize specific herbs that work better for you when creating a herbal remedy. For example, some people say that Elderberry is extremely effective for preventing a cold or the flu. Other people prefer Mullein. Whichever herb is easily accessible and works best for you is the one to choose.
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